General Aptitude

Ques:- A speed of 14 metres per second is the same as
A. 28 km/hr
B. 50.4 km/hr
C. 70 km/hr
D. 74.2 km/hr

133 7409
Ques:- A train 132 m long passes a telegraph pole in 6 seconds. Find the speed of the train
A. 70 km/hr
B. 71 km/hr
C. 72 km/hr
D. 79.2 km/hr

22 5164
Ques:- The L.C.M. of 3, 2.7 and 0.09 is
A. 0.27
B. 0.027
C. 27
D. 2.7

5 3513
Ques:- A train running at the speed of 60 km/hr crosses a pole in 9 seconds. What is the length of the train?
A. 120 metres
B. 150 metres
C. 180 metres
D. 200 metres

4 7462
Ques:- January 1, 1992 was Wednesday. What day of the week was January 1, 1993?
A. Monday
B. Tuesday
C. Thursday
D. Friday

14 8217
Ques:- A train 100 meters long passes a platform 100 meters long in seconds. The speed of the train is
A. 36 km/hr
B. 52 km/hr
C. 72 km/hr
D. 92 km/hr

3 3969
Ques:- The H.C.F of two numbers is 12 and their difference is 12. The numbers are
A. 94, 106
B. 84, 96
C. 70. 82
D. 66, 78

7 7752
Ques:- If the HCF of two numbers is 2 and their LCM is 70, then the numbers are
A. 2, 35
B. 4, 70
C. 6, 70
D. 14, 10

4 9462
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