Ques:- Two trains are moving in the same directions at 65 km/hr and 45 km/hr. The faster train crosses a man in slower train in 18 seconds. The length of the faster train is
A. 100 m
B. 120 m
C. 145 m
D. 180 m
Ques:- Anand and Deepak started a business investing Rs. 22,500 and Rs. 35,000 respectively. Out of a total profit of Rs. 13,800, Deepak’s share is
A. Rs. 5400
B. Rs. 7200
C. Rs. 8400
D. Rs. 9600
Ques:- The price of rice is reduced by 2%. How many kilograms of rice can now be bought for the money which was sufficient to buy 49 kg of rice earlier?
A. 48 kg
B. 49 kg
C. 50 kg
D. 51 kg
Ques:- Find out the wrong number in the series:
5, 15, 30, 135, 405, 1215, 3645
5, 15, 30, 135, 405, 1215, 3645
A. 15
B. 30
C. 405
D. 3645