Ques:- May 6, 1993 was Thursday. What day of the week was on May 6, 1992?
A. Tuesday
B. Wednesday
C. Friday
D. Saturday
Ques:- Anand and Deepak started a business investing Rs. 22,500 and Rs. 35,000 respectively. Out of a total profit of Rs. 13,800, Deepak’s share is
A. Rs. 5400
B. Rs. 7200
C. Rs. 8400
D. Rs. 9600
Ques:- If a and b are mixed in 3:5 ration and b and c are mixed in 8:5 ration if the final mixture is 35 liters, find the amount of b?
A. 13.34
B. 15.73
C. 16.73
D. 9.45
E. 5.3
Ques:- A sum of Rs. 64 is made up of 80 coins which are either 100 paise or 50 paise coins. How many coins are of 50 paise?
A. 22
B. 32
C. 42
D. 52