Christianshavns gymnasium Interview Questions, Process, and Tips

Ques:- A cube of 3x3x3 is painted from all the 6 faces. If I cut the cube in 27 equal cubes of 1x1x1 then how many cubes will be painted on exactly 2 faces?
Recent Answer : Added by Admin On 2022-09-28 18:29:10:

A 1×1 cube in the middle of an edge of the 3×3 cube will
have two faces painted. A cube has 12 edges, so the answer
is 12.

Ques:- The food in a camp lasts for 30 men for 40 days. If ten more men join, how many days will the food last?
Ques:- What is the 12th term of the series 2, 5, 8, …. ?
Recent Answer : Added by Mukesh On 2022-08-14 16:31:48:

a = 2
d = 5 – 2 = 3
Then 12th term is :
This in arithmetic progression
L = a + (12 – 1) d
L = 2 + 11 * 3
L = 2 + 33 = 35

Ques:- What is my experience in the field?
Ques:- Who is Amicus Curiae?
Ques:- Alok ordered 16 chapatis, 5 plates of rice, 7 plates of mixed vegetable and 6 ice-cream cups. The cost of each chapati is Rs.6, that of each plate of rice is Rs.45 and that of mixed vegetable is Rs.70. The amount that Alok paid the cashier was Rs.961. Find the cost of each ice-cream cup?
Recent Answer : Added by Nicey On 2022-03-09 16:42:07:

16 chapatis* 6 Rs= 96
5 plates of rice * 45 Rs = 225
7 plates of mixed vegetable * 70 Rs = 490
6 ice-cream * ??
The amount that Alok paid the cashier was Rs.961
96+225+490 = 811
961-811= 150
150/6 = 25
The cost of each ice-cream cup is 25 .Rs

Ques:- A says " the horse is not black".
B says " the horse is either brown or grey."
c says " the hoese is brown"

At least one is telling truth and atleast one is lying.
tell the colour of horse.
Recent Answer : Added by Sumbo Balogun - Olufowobi On 2022-12-20 12:54:10:

brownish grey

Ques:- Whch is your favroute sport?tell in brief about it?
Ques:- Why you have chosen Polymer in graduation? Why MBA in Finance?
Ques:- You have 2 candles of equal size and a lighter. The candles can burn 1 hour each. You have to measure 90 minutes with these candles. There is no scale or clock?
Ques:- Explain A Complex Database To Your Eight-Year-Old Nephew
Ques:- What type of reports you are generating in your company…???
Ques:- You have 50 white beads and 50 black beads and you MUST put all of the beads into two bins (50 beads in each), how do you maximize your chance of choosing a white bead (from either bin)
Ques:- About family and job profile?
Ques:- Why do you want this position?
Ques:- Why do you think you are suitable for this job?
Ques:- Why do want to join us?
Ques:- M/N = 6/5 3M+2N = ?
Recent Answer : Added by Admin On 2020-05-17 11:59:21:

cannot be determined .

Ques:- Asked about my education.
Ques:- Describe your dream house
Ques:- What is your core area of competency?
Ques:- Why am I interested in joining this company?
Ques:- A rich merchant had collected many gold coins. He did not want anybody to know about them. One day his wife asked, “How many gold coins do we have?” After pausing a moment, he replied, “Well! If I divide the coins into two unequal numbers, then 32 times the difference between the two numbers equals the difference between the squares of the two numbers.”The wife looked puzzled. Can you help the merchant's wife by finding out how many gold coins they have?
Recent Answer : Added by siva On 2022-01-08 16:06:13:

I think it’s 32 not 37

Ques:- If 3 workers collect 48 kg of cotton in 4 days, how many kg of cotton will 9 workers collect in 2 days?
Recent Answer : Added by Yadu Krishnan S On 2022-08-14 16:42:43:


Ques:- If the length of the train is 100m and its speed is 60km/h and another length of the train is 80km and its speed is 50km then its travelling in opposite direction. Find out the time of crossing each other(m/s)?
Recent Answer : Added by Syed Faizan On 2021-12-13 17:58:35:

Because the total distance will be =100+80000m=80100m. Thus two train coming towards, so the speed will be increase. speed will be =60+50=110km/h, The time of crossing will be 43.69 minutes.

Ques:- Why you are important to us?
Ques:- What are your views about the area where you are being appointed as Center Manager?
Ques:- How do you feel working under pressure?
Ques:- A company installed 36 machines at the beginning of the year. In March they installed 9 additional machines and then disconnected 18 in August. How many were still installed at the end of the year.
Recent Answer : Added by Admin On 2020-05-17 12:01:31:


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Devendra Bhardwaj With a decade of experience as a Job Hiring Expert, I am a results-driven professional dedicated to elevating recruitment strategies. My expertise lies in navigating the dynamic landscape of talent acquisition, employing innovative approaches to attract, assess, and secure top-tier candidates. I excel in optimizing hiring processes, leveraging cutting-edge technologies, and fostering collaborative relationships with stakeholders. A keen understanding of industry trends allows me to stay ahead, ensuring a competitive edge in securing the best talent for your organization. I am passionate about connecting the right people with the right opportunities and thrive in creating impactful, streamlined recruitment solutions.

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