Ques:- A merchant has 140 litres, 260 litres, 320 litres of three kinds of oil. He wants to sell the oil by filling the three kinds separately in tins of equal volume. The volume of such a tin will be
A. 13 litres
B. 16 litres
C. 20 litres
D. 70 litres
Ques:- A, B and C enter into a partnership. A invests some some at the beginning, B invests double the amount after 6 months and C invests thrice the amount after 8 months. If the annual profit be Rs.27,000, C’s share is
A. Rs. 11,250
B. Rs. 10,800
C. Rs. 9000
D. Rs. 8625
Ques:- The positions of the first and the fifth digit in the number 93264187 are interchanged. Similarly, the positions of the second and the sixth digits are inter changed and so on. Which of the following will be the third digit from the right end after the rearrangement?
A. 8
B. 3
C. 2
D. 6
E. None of these