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Ques:- There are 6 people W,H,M,C,G,F who are murderer , victim , judge , police, witness, hangman. There was no eye witness only circumtancial witness. The murderer was sentenced to death. Read following statement and determine who is who. 1. M knew both murderer and victim. 2. Judge asked C to discribe murder incident. 3. W was last to see F alive. 4. Police found G at the murder site. 5. H and W never met.
Ques:- In the following figure: A D B G E C FEach of the seven digits from 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 is: a)Represented by a different letter in the figure above. b)Positioned in the figure above so that A*B*C,B*G*E, and D*E*F are equal.Which digit does G represent?
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