Mi Dinero Mi Futuro Interview Questions, Process, and Tips

Ques:- Your total experience?
Ques:- In the reading room of a library, there are 10 tables, 4 chairs per table. In each table there are different numbers of people seated. How many ways they will sit in the library so that no chair would be blank?
A. 8
B. 6
C. 2
D. 5
E. 4
Recent Answer : Added by Swarup On 2021-12-23 16:25:57:


Ques:- In what ratio must tea at Rs. 62 per kg be mixed with tea at Rs. 72 per kg so that the mixture must be worth Rs. 64.50 per kg?
A. 3 : 1
B. 3 : 2
C. 4 : 3
D. 5 : 3
Recent Answer : Added by bing chilling On 2022-01-19 15:38:41:

The answer is A)

y1 = 62 Rs/kg
y2 = 72 Rs/kg
y = 64.5 Rs/kg

y2 – y1 = 10 Rs/kg

The distance between the y and y1 is

y – y1 = 64.5 – 62 = 2.5

x1 = (y – y1)/(y2 – y1) = 2.5/10 = 0.25
x2 = 1 – x1 = 1 – 0.25 = 0.75

The target price is calculated by the lever method.

x1 * y2 + x2 * y1 = 0.25 * 72 + 0.75 * 62.5 = 64.5

The ratio is of y1 to y2 is

0.75 : 0.25

Divide by both by 0.25

3 : 1

Ques:- A sum of money place at compound interest doubles itself in 4 years. In how many years will it amount to eight times itself?
Ques:- What are your interest?
Ques:- The H.C.F. and L.C.M. of two numbers are 12 and 336 respectively. If one of the numbers is 84, the other is
A. 24
B. 36
C. 48
D. 72
Recent Answer : Added by anonymous On 2022-03-09 16:38:02:


Ques:- If I bought a cycle before 2days of my birthday and I broke it after 3 days of my birthday the day I broke is Mar2, 1956? Answer following logical questions? i) when is his birthday?
Recent Answer : Added by Olasunmomi Mathew On 2022-08-24 17:02:47:

28th February,1956

Ques:- What is the advantage of the team work?
Ques:- Give me three reasons proving you deserve this job?
Ques:- A coffee shop blends 2 kinds of coffee,putting in 2 parts of a 33p. a gm. grade to 1 part of a 24p. a gm.If the mixture is changed to 1 part of the 33p. a gm. to 2 parts of the less expensive grade,how much will the shop save in blending 100 gms.
Recent Answer : Added by Ashu On 2021-01-30 01:20:12:

Initially (2*33 + 1*24)/(2+1) = 30p a gm
So, cost for 100g = 100*30 = 3000p

Later, (1*33 + 2*24)/(1+2) = 71/3 p a gm.
So, cost for 100g = 100*(71/3) = 2366.67p

He saves 3000 – 2366.67 = 633.33p

Concept of weighted average.

Ques:- Find the C.I. on a sum of Rs.1600 for 9 months at 20% per annum, interest being compounded quarterly?
Ques:- Sonika deposited Rs.8000 which amounted to Rs.9200 after 3 years at simple interest. Had the interest been 2% more. She would get how much?
Ques:- Two pipes P and Q can fill a tank in 4 and 5 hours respectively. If they are turned up alternately for one hour each, the time taken to fill the tank is?
Recent Answer : Added by shadow of lo On 2022-03-09 16:33:24:

Pfull = 4 Hrs; Qfull = 5 Hrs
Assume velocity Vp = x then Vq = 4/5 x –> avg velocity = (5/5 + 4/5) / 2 = 0.9
If fastest time = 4hrs then the time it would take to fill up tank by alternating is 4/0.9 = 4.44 Hrs

Ques:- At what rate percent on simple interest will a sum of money double itself in 30 years?
Recent Answer : Added by Amudha A On 2021-09-09 07:24:42:

sum of money after 30 years = Double the money

Equate 1 and 2

WKT, SI= PTR/100

Equate 3 and SI

R=100/30 or 10/3 or 3(1/3) %

Ques:- Do you think you are overqualified for this position?
Ques:- What is your ideal job – in detail?
Ques:- What’s your dream job?
Ques:- What was the best achievement you had so far?
Ques:- What was the toughest challenge you?ve ever faced?
Ques:- How do you see your future in this industry ?
Ques:- Why have you taken HR as your major and marketing as minor subject?
Ques:- Why u want to join?
Ques:- A simple interest amount of rs 5000 for six month is rs 200. what is the anual rate of interest?a) 10%b) 6% c) 8%d) 9%
Recent Answer : Added by RAJASREE On 2022-08-14 16:28:24:

SI = PTR / 100

Ques:- One person is wearing Black and White shoes as his pair. If he is having 20 white and 20 Black shoes. What will be the less number of time he have try to take his correct pair of shoes.
Ques:- A fathers age is reverse of sons age. One year back fathers age was twice of sons age. What is the fathers current age?
Recent Answer : Added by Binit Bhagat On 2021-09-04 17:14:22:

one year back father = 72 and son = 36.

Ques:- Ajay and Vijay have some marbles with them. Ajay told Vijay “if you give me ‘x’ marbles, both of us will have equal number of marbles”. Vijay then told Ajay “if you give me twice as many marbles, I will have 30 more marbles than you would”. Find ‘x’?
Recent Answer : Added by Kristi Bardhan On 2022-09-02 17:04:00:

If Vijay gives ‘x’ marbles to Ajay then Vijay and Ajay would have V – x and A + x marbles.
V – x = A + x — (1)
If Ajay gives 2x marbles to Vijay then Ajay and Vijay would have A – 2x and V + 2x marbles.
V + 2x – (A – 2x) = 30 => V – A + 4x = 30 — (2)
From (1) we have V – A = 2x
Substituting V – A = 2x in (2)
6x = 30 => x = 5.

Ques:- If you were into sales, what would you spend more time on, achieving your sales target or creating a good customer experience?
Recent Answer : Added by Krina Naik On 2022-09-02 17:03:36:

Both simultaneously because sales is the revenue generation team which is necessary for the commercial growth of the company whereas customer loyalty is again important for a company to go for long-term growth which is why good and satisfactory customer experience is necessary.

Ques:- Three persons invested Rs.9000 in a joint business. The second person invested Rs.1000 more than the first and the third Rs.1000 more than second. After two years, they gained Rs.5400. How much third person will get?
Recent Answer : Added by Adheena On 2022-03-09 16:36:23:


Ques:- If the area of circle is 616 sq cm thenWhat is its circumference?
Recent Answer : Added by Meghana.N On 2021-08-05 17:35:31:

Area of a circle =π*r*r
r*r= 616÷3.14
r*r =196
r =13
Circumference of a circle= 2*π*r

Ques:- About the work experience and job profile handled.

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Devendra Bhardwaj With a decade of experience as a Job Hiring Expert, I am a results-driven professional dedicated to elevating recruitment strategies. My expertise lies in navigating the dynamic landscape of talent acquisition, employing innovative approaches to attract, assess, and secure top-tier candidates. I excel in optimizing hiring processes, leveraging cutting-edge technologies, and fostering collaborative relationships with stakeholders. A keen understanding of industry trends allows me to stay ahead, ensuring a competitive edge in securing the best talent for your organization. I am passionate about connecting the right people with the right opportunities and thrive in creating impactful, streamlined recruitment solutions.

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