Ques:- Three partners A, B, C start a business. Twice A’s capital is equal to thrice B’s capital and B’s capital is four times C’s capital. Out of a total profit of Rs.16,500 at the end of the year B’s share is
A. Rs. 4000
B. Rs. 5000
C. Rs. 6000
D. Rs. 6600
Ques:- A, B, C hired a car for Rs.520 and used it for 7, 8 and 11 hours respectively. Hire charges paid by B were
A. Rs. 140
B. Rs. 150
C. Rs. 160
D. Rs. 180
Ques:- A number when divided by the sum of 555 and 445 gives two times their difference as quotient and 30 as the remainder. The number is
A. 1220
B. 1250
C. 22030
D. 220030