Ques:- A merchant has 1000 kg of sugar, part of which he sells at 8% profit and the rest at 18% profit. He gains 14% on the whole. The quantity sold at 18% profit is
A. 400 kg
B. 560 kg
C. 580 kg
D. 600 kg
Ques:- Satheesh started a business investing Rs.60000. After 3 months, Sunil joined him with a capital of Rs.75000. After another 6 months, Subhash joined them with a capital of Rs.105000. At the end of the year, they made a profit of Rs.19000. Find the share of each.
A. Rs. 8000, Rs. 7500, Rs. 3500
B. Rs. 8000, Rs. 6500, Rs. 4500
C. Rs. 8500, Rs. 7000, Rs. 3500
D. Rs. 8500, Rs. 6500, Rs. 4000