RMgX Interview Questions, Process, and Tips

Ques:- Some persons can do a piece of work in 12 days. Two times the number of these people will do half of that work in?
Recent Answer : Added by bhavesh sharma On 2022-09-02 17:03:53:

3 days

Ques:- Two pipes function simultaneously the reservoir will be filled in 12 hours. One pipe fills reservoir 10 hours faster than the other. How many hours does the faster pipe take to fill the reservoir?
Recent Answer : Added by Manik rattan On 2021-08-16 06:56:14:

A -30 hours A’s effeciency (60/30) =2
60( lcm of 30 and 20)
B- 20 hours B’s effeciency (60/20)=3

time taken by both to fill = 60/5 =12 as given in question (effeciencies of both a+b =2+3=5)
time taken by faster pipe i.e b = 60/3 =20

Ques:- How flexible are you in work timings? You will have to work beyond your work timings.
Ques:- What is the most rewarding part about your job?
Ques:- When the hr ask us tell me some thing about you then what should we include in what not plz help me by giving some examples.
Ques:- Any Recent Movie you Saw Tell Me Story in Short ?
Ques:- Are you applying for other jobs?
Ques:- What sum of money put at C.I amounts in 2 years to Rs.8820 and in 3 years to Rs.9261?
Ques:- Can you describe a work or school instance in which you messed up?
Ques:- There are 3 baskets. one of them have apples, one has oranges only and the other has mixture of apples and oranges. The labels on their baskets always lie. (i.e. if the label says oranges, you are sure that it doesn’t have oranges only,it could be a mixture) The task is to pick one basket and pick only one fruit from it and then correctly label all the three baskets.
Recent Answer : Added by Admin On 2020-05-17 12:01:30:

Take one fruit from box with label mixture. If we see
orange, because the basket lies (it cant have a mixture),
then it has only oranges. The other 2 are labeled apples and
oranges. The one labeled apples,
cannot have oranges inside, cos they are allready been
identified, and because it lies, it cannot have apples either.
So it has a mixture. And we are left with the one labeled
oranges that lies and has apples.

Ques:- The price of a candy bar is $1.00. The price of a ten pack of the same candy bar is $7.40. The ten pack of candy bars is what percentage cheaper then purchasing ten candy bars individually?
Ques:- Tell about yourself and you careers?
Ques:- Why do you want to to change the job
Ques:- If I give this job to u what output u can give to our company?
Ques:- Why are you not joining your father business?
Ques:- I am living in water.if cut my head im in front ur door.if u cut my tail im a fruit and if u cut both head and tail im with u.what is this?
Recent Answer : Added by akankshya mangsule On 2022-03-09 16:33:39:

Pearl.. Head cut then earl.. tail cut then pear.. Head and tail cut then ear

Ques:- The egg vendor calls on his first customer and sells half his eggs and half an egg. To the second customer, he sells half of what he had left and half an egg and to the third customer he sells half of what he had then left and half an egg. By the way he did not break any eggs. In the end three eggs were remaining . How many total eggs he was having ?
Recent Answer : Added by Deepesh Parmar On 2021-12-10 16:35:05:


Ques:- What are the five things you must carry for your interview?
Ques:- The price of rice is reduced by 2%. How many kilograms of rice can now be bought for the money which was sufficient to buy 49 kg of rice earlier?
A. 48 kg
B. 49 kg
C. 50 kg
D. 51 kg
Recent Answer : Added by narendra On 2022-09-18 09:03:38:


Ques:- A car is travelling at a uniform speed. The driver sees a milestone showing a 2-digit number. After travelling for an hour the driver sees another milestone with the same digits in reverse order. After another hour the driver sees another milestone containing the same two digits. What is the average speed of the driver.
Recent Answer : Added by Admin On 2022-09-29 15:13:36:

Let 10’splace digit is x and unit’s place digit y

First milestone : 10x+y
Second milestone : 10y+x
Third milestone: 100x+y

Since the speed is uniform so
Distance covered in first Hr = Distance covered in Second Hr
(10y+x)-(10x+y) = (100x+y)-(10y+x)
After solving, we get —-> y=6x but since x and y are digits so only possible combination is x=1 and y=6,
So average speed = 45 KM/HR

Ques:- What is the H.C.F of 204, 1190 and 1445?
Ques:- The difference between a two-digit number and the number obtained by interchanging the digits is 36. What is the difference between the sum and the difference of the digits of the number if the ratio between the digits of the number is 1 : 2 ?
Recent Answer : Added by Alisha Ravika Kar On 2022-08-14 16:43:27:

The number is greater than the number obtained in reversing the digits and the ten’s digit is greater than the unit’s digit
Let ten’s and unit’s digit be 2x and x respectively
Then, (10×2x+x)−(10x+2x)=36
Required difference=(2x+x)−(2x−x)=2x=8

Ques:- A+B+C+D=D+E+F+G=G+H+I=17 where each letter represent a number from 1 to 9. Find out what does letter D and G represent if letter A=4. give the steps
Recent Answer : Added by Admin On 2020-05-17 12:04:27:

a=4, b=6,c=2,d=5,e=8,f=3,g=1,h=9,i=7

Ques:- How much interest can a person get on Rs. 8200 at 17.5% p.a. simple interest for a period of two years and six months?
Ques:- Rahim bought 65 books for Rs.1150 from one shop and 50 books for Rs.920 from another. What is the average price he paid per book ?
Recent Answer : Added by Aravindhan On 2021-08-18 16:21:10:


Ques:- Four car rental agencies P, Q, R and S rented a plot for parking their cars during the night. P parked 15 cars for 12 days, Q parked 12 cars for 20 days, R parked 18 cars for 18 days and S parked 16 cars for 15 days. If P paid Rs. 1125 as rent for parking his cars, what is the total rent paid by all the four agencies?
Ques:- Tell me the most memorable day of ur life and why is it so?
Ques:- Why should i hire you excluding other outside the room present here who have come to the interview?
Ques:- Teachers hate me.cows like me.monkeys eat me.Its a nine letter word. second letter is “o” and eigth letter is “y” what is that word.tell me urgent.
Ques:- A person was fined for exceeding the speed limit by 10mph. Another person was also fined for exceeding the speed limit by twice the same. If the second person was travelling at speed of 35mph . Find the speed limit ?
Recent Answer : Added by Admin On 2020-05-17 12:00:34:

let the speed limit be x.
speed by first rider S1 and 2nd rider be S2.
ans S2=x+2*10; and given S2=35.
solving we get x=15mph.

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Devendra Bhardwaj With a decade of experience as a Job Hiring Expert, I am a results-driven professional dedicated to elevating recruitment strategies. My expertise lies in navigating the dynamic landscape of talent acquisition, employing innovative approaches to attract, assess, and secure top-tier candidates. I excel in optimizing hiring processes, leveraging cutting-edge technologies, and fostering collaborative relationships with stakeholders. A keen understanding of industry trends allows me to stay ahead, ensuring a competitive edge in securing the best talent for your organization. I am passionate about connecting the right people with the right opportunities and thrive in creating impactful, streamlined recruitment solutions.

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