Ques:- Satheesh started a business investing Rs.60000. After 3 months, Sunil joined him with a capital of Rs.75000. After another 6 months, Subhash joined them with a capital of Rs.105000. At the end of the year, they made a profit of Rs.19000. Find the share of each.
A. Rs. 8000, Rs. 7500, Rs. 3500
B. Rs. 8000, Rs. 6500, Rs. 4500
C. Rs. 8500, Rs. 7000, Rs. 3500
D. Rs. 8500, Rs. 6500, Rs. 4000
Ques:- The greatest four digit number which is exactly divisible by each one of the numbers 12, 18, 21 and 28
A. 9288
B. 9828
C. 9882
D. 9928
Ques:- a survey of 250 ppl found that 223 have tatoos,178 wore leather,158 own harry davidson,151 wore tatoo and leather,119 wore leather and own harley,142 have tatoo and a harley, 103 have all the 3 items.draw a venn diagram n explain how many
A. had only harley davidson?
B. had atleast 2 of the 3 items?
C. had none of the items?
D. had tatoos or were wearing leather?
E. were not wearing leather but did have tatoos and did own a harley?