Ques:- Pointing to Meena, Swarup says, “She is the doughter of my grandfather’s only child”. How is Meena related to Swarup?
A. Cousin
B. Sister
C. Aunt
D. Data inadequate
E. None of these
Ques:- In each questions below are given two statements followed by two conclusions numbered I and II.
Statements :
Some kings are queens. All queens are beautiful.
Conclusions :
I. All kings are beautiful.
II. All queens are kings.
Statements :
Some kings are queens. All queens are beautiful.
Conclusions :
I. All kings are beautiful.
II. All queens are kings.
A. if only conclusion I follows
B. if only conclusion II follows
C. if either conclusion I or II follows
D. if neither conclusion I nor II follows
E. if both conclusions I and II follow