Ques:- Arun, Kamal and Vinay invested Rs.8000, Rs.4000 and Rs.8000 respectively in a business. Arun left after six months. If after eight months, there was a gain of Rs.4005, then what will be the share of Kamal?
A. Rs. 1780
B. Rs. 1602
C. Rs. 1335
D. Rs. 890
Ques:- A, B, C enter into a partnership investing Rs.35,000, Rs.45,000 and Rs.55,000 respectively. The respective shares of A, B, C in an annual profit of Rs.40,500 are
A. Rs. 10,500, Rs. 13,500, Rs. 16,500
B. Rs. 11,000, Rs. 14,000, Rs. 15,500
C. Rs. 11,500, Rs. 13,000, Rs. 16,000
D. Rs. 11,500, Rs. 12,500, Rs. 16,500