Ques:- Find the ratio in which rice at 7.20 a kg be mixed with rice at 5.70 a kg to produce a mixture worth Rs. 6.30 a kg.
A. 1 : 3
B. 2 : 3
C. 3 : 4
D. 4 : 5
Ques:- Find out the wrong number in each sequence:
10, 14, 28, 32, 64, 68, 132
10, 14, 28, 32, 64, 68, 132
A. 28
B. 32
C. 68
D. 132
Ques:- Find out the wrong number in a given series.
445, 221, 109, 46, 25, 11, 4
445, 221, 109, 46, 25, 11, 4
A. 11
B. 25
C. 46
D. 109
Ques:- An integer us divisible by 16 if and only if its last X digits are divisible by 16. The value of X would be
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6