Ques:- A car travels a certain distance taking 7 hrs in forward journey, during the return journey increased speed 12km/hr takes the times 5 hrs.What is the distance travelled
A. 210 kms
B. 30 kms
C. 20 kms
D. none of these
Ques:- One quality of wheat at Rs. 9.30 per kg is mixed with another quality at a certain rate in the ratio 8 : 7. If the mixture so formed be worth Rs. 10 per kg. What is the rate per kg of the second quality of wheat?
A. Rs. 10.30
B. Rs. 10.60
C. Rs. 10.80
D. Rs. 11
Ques:- In a certain code language DOWNBEAT is written as TABEWNDO. How will the word PROSPECT be written in that code language?
E. None of these
Ques:- Find out the wrong number in a given series.
124, 133, 142, 152, 160
124, 133, 142, 152, 160
A. 133
B. 142
C. 152
D. 160
Ques:- Find out the wrong number in each sequence:
16, 32, 64, 81, 100, 144, 190
16, 32, 64, 81, 100, 144, 190
A. 36
B. 81
C. 100
D. 190