Ques:- If a sum of money compound annually amounts of thrice itself in 3 years. In how many years will it become 9 times itself.
A. 6
B. 8
C. 10
D. 12
E. 14
Ques:- Two trains 240 metres and 270 metres in length are running towards each other on parallel lines, one at the rate of 60 kmph and another at 48 kmph. How much time will they take to cross each other?
A. 14 sec.
B. 15 sec.
C. 16 sec.
D. 17 sec.
Ques:- There is a leak in the bottom of a cistern. When the cisternis thoroughly repaired, it would be filled in 3 ? hours. It now takes half an hour longer. If the cistern is full, howlong will the leak take to empty the cistern?
A. 24 hours
B. 28 hours
C. 21 hours
D. 27 hours
E. None of these