20% of (A) 6 litre solution and 60% of (B) 4 litre solution are mixed. What percentage of the mixture of solution is A?

20% of (A)  6 litre solution and 60% of (B) 4 litre solution are mixed. What percentage of the mixture of solution is A?

Ques:- 20% of (A) 6 litre solution and 60% of (B) 4 litre solution are mixed. What percentage of the mixture of solution is A?
3 2840

3 Answers on this Question

  1. 20 % of 6 ltr solution gives (2*6) = 1.2 litres

    60 % of 4 ltr solution gives (6*4)= 2.4 litres

    now, total solution is 10 litres while total mixture is (1.2+2.4)=3.6 ltr
    Therefore, percentage of mixture in solution = (3.6/10)*100 = 36 %

  2. 20% of 6 ltr solution being A gives (2*6) = 1.2 litres

    total solution of 10 ltr has 1.2 ltr A. Therefore percentage of sultion with A = (1.2/10)*100 = 12%

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