A city has a population of 3,00,000 out of which 1,80,000 are males. 50% of the population is literate. If 70% of the males are literate, then the percentage of females who are literate is

A city has a population of 3,00,000 out of which 1,80,000 are males. 50% of the population is literate. If 70% of the males are literate, then the percentage of females who are literate is

Ques:- A city has a population of 3,00,000 out of which 1,80,000 are males. 50% of the population is literate. If 70% of the males are literate, then the percentage of females who are literate is
A. 10%
B. 20%
C. 25%
D. 30%

2 7313

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