A person pays a tax of 10%,if his salary increases by 10% he need to pay a tax of 15%.The total gain he obtains after increment in salary is 350Rs . What is his salary?

A person pays a tax of 10%,if his salary increases by 10% he need to pay a tax of 15%.The total gain he obtains after increment in salary is 350Rs . What is his salary?

Ques:- A person pays a tax of 10%,if his salary increases by 10% he need to pay a tax of 15%.The total gain he obtains after increment in salary is 350Rs . What is his salary?
2 2754

2 Answers on this Question

  1. Let consider the salary of a person be 100
    gain after increment is 5
    so for gain to be 350
    Therefore, salary=Rs7000

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