A pipe fill a tank in 3hrs.another pipe fill that same tankin 2hrs.if both pipe inserted in tank to fill it how timw itwill take to fill?

A pipe fill a tank in 3hrs.another pipe fill that same tankin 2hrs.if both pipe inserted in tank to fill it how timw itwill take to fill?

Ques:- A pipe fill a tank in 3hrs.another pipe fill that same tankin 2hrs.if both pipe inserted in tank to fill it how timw itwill take to fill?
2 7434

2 Answers on this Question

  1. consider the tank capacity as 90 litres.
    to fill the tank in 3 hrs first pipe must flow at a rate of 30 litres/hr
    2nd pipe has to flow at a rate of 45 litres/hr
    if two pipes are opened at a time the flow rate will become 75 litres/hr
    90/75= 6/5 = 1.2= (i.e) 1hr and 12 minutes 1 1/5 hr

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