Below is an equation that isn't correct yet. By adding a number of plus signs and minus signs between the ciphers on the left side (without changes the order of the ciphers), the equation can be made correct. 123456789 = 100 How many different ways ar

Below is an equation that isn't correct yet. By adding a number of plus signs and minus signs between the ciphers on the left side (without changes the order of the ciphers), the equation can be made correct. 123456789 = 100 How many different ways ar

Ques:- Below is an equation that isn't correct yet. By adding a number of plus signs and minus signs between the ciphers on the left side (without changes the order of the ciphers), the equation can be made correct. 123456789 = 100 How many different ways ar
1 505

One Answer on this Question

  1. 28
    to arrange m objects in n places => nCm
    i.e. for this example m=2(+,- sign) and n = 8(places between two number from 1 to 9)
    SO, answer is : 8C2 = (8*7) / 2 = 28

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