Four sisters- Suvarna, Tara, Uma and Vibha are playing a game such that the loser doubles the money of each of the other players from her share. They played four games and each sister lost one game in alphabetical order. At the end of fourth game, each sister has Rs. 32. Who started with the highest amount?

Four sisters- Suvarna, Tara, Uma and Vibha are playing a game such that the loser doubles the money of each of the other players from her share. They played four games and each sister lost one game in alphabetical order. At the end of fourth game, each sister has Rs. 32. Who started with the highest amount?

Ques:- Four sisters- Suvarna, Tara, Uma and Vibha are playing a game such that the loser doubles the money of each of the other players from her share. They played four games and each sister lost one game in alphabetical order. At the end of fourth game, each sister has Rs. 32. Who started with the highest amount?
3 4855

3 Answers on this Question

  1. Sorry for poor formatting…
    S T U V
    1. 60 4 28 20
    2. 8 8 56 40
    3. 16 16 16 80
    4. 32 32 32 32

    Reversal and doubling logic.
    Not sure about Answer but Suvarna can be the Answer.

  2. Let Suvarna, Tara, Uma and Vibha be S,T,U,V respectively
    initially in the beginning each persons share be
    V = x U = y T = z
    S = w = (x+y+z+32) Reason: She has to double others share, so she should have each and everyone’s share and still should be left out with 32

    after 1st Round of game
    S loses and is out with 32 and doubles the others share
    V = 2x U = 2y T = 2z

    After 2nd Round of game
    T loses and is out with 32 and doubles the others share
    V = 4x U = 4y
    This means T had 2z = 2x + 2y + 32
    After 3rd round of game
    U looses and is out with 32 and doubles others share
    V = 8x
    This means U initially has 4y = 4x + 32
    In the end V = 8x = 32

    Solving this we get x = 4, y = 12, z = 32 and w = 80
    There fore Suvarna had highest share in the beginning

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