How will you tackle your skilled fellow who is arrogant and not obeying your orders?

How will you tackle your skilled fellow who is arrogant and not obeying your orders?

Ques:- How will you tackle your skilled fellow who is arrogant and not obeying your orders?
3 8334

3 Answers on this Question

  1. First I’ll try to understand his/her problem to obey my order, after that I’ll fulfill the communication gap. Appreciate the talent of that person. Help him out if he has got some personal problem. Give him the task and the Accountability as well as the option that he can come back for support. This way you can win his confidence and use his expertise in the interest of the Organization.

  2. Good approach and listening what is fighting for if continue not to follow the regulation, i beg for backup to enforce the law of that side.

  3. I will first need to understand why he/she behaves so to establish the exact cause and try persuade him to appreciate roles and responsibilities of the various Team members in trying to achieve organizational goals.

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