In a certain code, BELIEF is written as AFKKDI. How is SELDOM written in that code ?

In a certain code, BELIEF is written as AFKKDI. How is SELDOM written in that code ?

Ques:- In a certain code, BELIEF is written as AFKKDI. How is SELDOM written in that code ?
3 3317

3 Answers on this Question

  1. for given code BELIEF ,
    A comes before B
    F comes after E
    K comes before L
    K comes after leaving one letter ‘J’ for I
    D comes before E
    I comes after leaving two alphabets ‘G’ & ‘H’ for F
    according to this we can write code for SELDOM
    R comes before S
    F comes after E
    K comes before L
    F comes after leaving a alphabet ‘E’ for D
    N comes before O
    P comes after leaving two alphabets ‘N’ & ‘O’ for M
    so the code obtained is RFKFNP
    which is nothing but (d)

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