In a cricket match 2 batsmen were playing. both of them where on 94 last 3 balls were left and 7 runs needed to win. How both of them can attain century without getting out?

In a cricket match 2 batsmen were playing. both of them where on 94 last 3 balls were left and 7 runs needed to win. How both of them can attain century without getting out?

Ques:- In a cricket match 2 batsmen were playing. both of them where on 94 last 3 balls were left and 7 runs needed to win. How both of them can attain century without getting out?
2 7765

2 Answers on this Question

  1. The first Ball is hit for a SIX !!! and Batsmen1 completes his century .
    And second ball is caught in the Air ,but as the batsmen1 leaves the greece and runs half the pitch batsmen2 crosses him and makes him the Striker for the Next Ball which is the Last Ball .
    And last batsmen2 hits a Six 😎 and finishes Off in Style.
    Hope this helps.

  2. 1 ball – 4 runs (1st batter – 94+4=98)
    2 ball – 3 runs and one run is short run during running between the wicket (1st batter- 98+3-1 =100)and strike changes for 2nd batter
    3 ball – 6 runs ( 2nd batter 94+6=100)

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