in a mixture R is 2 parts and S is 1 part. In order to make S to 25% of the mixture how r is needed ? give the steps plz…..

in a mixture R is 2 parts and S is 1 part. In order to make S to 25% of the mixture how r is needed ? give the steps plz…..

Ques:- in a mixture R is 2 parts and S is 1 part. In order to make S to 25% of the mixture how r is needed ? give the steps plz…..
2 4799

2 Answers on this Question

  1. Its very simple..
    consider the fraction of s in the mixture = 1/3
    So if we add one more R the the fraction wil be = 1/4
    Automaticaly S becomes 25% of the mixture

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