Normal year has 1 odd day, but leap year has 2 odd days.
As per that 1992 was leap year => 1992%4=0. So it has 2odd days so the day on the next year would be Friday.
It would be Sunday.
Calculation last two digit of year+(year /4)+Day+ Month+Year/7 = reminder as per the day of the week.
so, 93+(93/4)+1+0+0=117/7=no reminder means 0
days Sun=0, Mon=1, Tue=2, WED=3, Th=4,FRi=5,SAT=6
As the reminder is 0 that means 1st Jan 1993 was Sunday.
Monday or Sunday
It should be Friday, as 1992 was the leap year and in every year the day changes by one.
So Wednesday + 1 (every year) + 1(leap year) = Friday
It should be Friday, as 1992 was the leap year and In every year the day changes by one.
So Wednesday + 1(every year) + 1(leap year) = Friday.
Normal year has 1 odd day, but leap year has 2 odd days.
As per that 1992 was leap year => 1992%4=0. So it has 2odd days so the day on the next year would be Friday.
It would be Sunday.
Calculation last two digit of year+(year /4)+Day+ Month+Year/7 = reminder as per the day of the week.
so, 93+(93/4)+1+0+0=117/7=no reminder means 0
days Sun=0, Mon=1, Tue=2, WED=3, Th=4,FRi=5,SAT=6
As the reminder is 0 that means 1st Jan 1993 was Sunday.
It should be Thursday….
bcz every year having 1 odd day except leap year….
1993 is not leap year so 1 odd day
wed + 1day = thursday
1992 is leap year so we have count that ,
So odd number of leap year is 2
Now, jan 1 is Wednesday+2(odd) =Friday.