There are some pigeons and hares in a zoo. If heads are counted, there are 200. If legs are counted, there are 580. The number of hares in the zoo is?

There are some pigeons and hares in a zoo. If heads are counted, there are 200. If legs are counted, there are 580. The number of hares in the zoo is?

Ques:- There are some pigeons and hares in a zoo. If heads are counted, there are 200. If legs are counted, there are 580. The number of hares in the zoo is?
3 933

3 Answers on this Question

  1. 90 hares and 110 pigeons

    90+110=200 heads

    90*4 = 360 hare legs
    110*2 = 220 pigeon legs

    Therefore: 220+360= 580 legs in total

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