A can swim & cross 50m(the length of swimming pool) in 2 min. B can swim & cross 50m in 2min 15sec. Every time when they meet a bell gong is struck. For 2000m how many bell sounds might be produced?

A can swim & cross 50m(the length of swimming pool) in 2 min. B can swim & cross 50m in 2min 15sec. Every time when  they meet a bell gong is struck. For 2000m how many bell sounds might be produced?

Ques:- A can swim & cross 50m(the length of swimming pool) in 2 min. B can swim & cross 50m in 2min 15sec. Every time when they meet a bell gong is struck. For 2000m how many bell sounds might be produced?
2 2730

2 Answers on this Question

  1. A swims 50mts in 2mins*60=120secs;
    B swims 50mts in 2.15mins*60=135secs;
    To swim 2000mts, 50mts*40times=2000mts;
    so A swims for 120secs*40times=4800secs;
    so B swims for 135secs*40times=5400secs;
    The common factor for 120secs,135secs is 1080secs.
    For A, 4800secs/1080secs=4.4(app 4)
    For B, 5400secs/1080secs=5
    Therefore A and B meet 4 times and hence bell will struck 4

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