A batsman average was 15.at last innings he took 23 runs then his average became 16.how much run he should take to make his average 18?

A batsman average was 15.at last innings he took 23 runs 
then his average became 16.how much run he should take to 
make his average 18?

Ques:- A batsman average was 15.at last innings he took 23 runs then his average became 16.how much run he should take to make his average 18?
2 9234

2 Answers on this Question

  1. ave per match 15 the last match he get 23 runs 15-23=8
    if he get ave 16 runs add every 1 runs his ave 16
    now there have 8runs then the number of matchs will be 8
    including last match now calculate 16*8=128 18*8=144
    144-128=16 now the answer :23+16=39

  2. ((15 X m) + 23)/(m+1)= 16
    solving , we get number of matches (m) as 7 (excluding last
    so he shud hit 39 runs in last innings to ake average to 18

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