A can do a half of certain work in 70 days and B one third of the same in 35 days. They together will do the whole work in.

A can do a half of certain work in 70 days and B one third of the same in 35 days. They together will do the whole work in.

Ques:- A can do a half of certain work in 70 days and B one third of the same in 35 days. They together will do the whole work in.
1 5843

One Answer on this Question

  1. Days taken by A to complete whole work= 140 days
    Days taken by B to complete whole work= 105 days

    A’s 1 day work= 1/140
    B’s 1 day work= 1/105
    On adding these together we get: 1/60 (1 day work by working together)

    So, together they will be able to complete it in 60 days

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