A man leaves office daily at 7:00 pm. A driver with car comes from his home to pick him from office and bring back home. One day he gets free at 5:30 and instead of waiting for driver he starts walking towards home.In the way he meets the car and return home on car. He reaches home 20 min earlier than usual.in how much time does the man reach home usually… ? GIVE THE STEPS PLZ…

A man leaves office daily at 7:00 pm. A driver with car comes from his home to pick him from office and bring back home. One day he gets free at 5:30 and instead of waiting for driver he starts walking towards home.In the way he meets the car and return home on car. He reaches home 20 min earlier than usual.in how much time does the man reach home usually… ?  GIVE THE STEPS PLZ…

Ques:- A man leaves office daily at 7:00 pm. A driver with car comes from his home to pick him from office and bring back home. One day he gets free at 5:30 and instead of waiting for driver he starts walking towards home.In the way he meets the car and return home on car. He reaches home 20 min earlier than usual.in how much time does the man reach home usually… ? GIVE THE STEPS PLZ…
3 720

3 Answers on this Question

  1. only thing that can be deduced from this is that the person
    meets its driver at 6:50pm (since the driver saved total 20
    min it must have saved 10 min for each side )since the man
    cover that distance in 80min(from 5:30pm to 6:50pm ie 80 min
    )to cover a distance that his driver would cover in only 10
    min ,so from this data we can only conclude the ratio of
    speed between the man and his driver is 1:8

  2. Since the car has met the person 20 minutes beforehand, it has saved 10 mins of a journey

    A man has started 1.30 hrs before and the car has met him 10 mins before the actual time, he takes to reach daily is 1hr and 20 mins

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