A person meets a train at a railway station coming daily at a particular time. One day he is late by 25 minutes, and he meets the train 5 k.m. before the station. If his speed is 12 kmph, what is the speed of the train.

A person meets a train at a railway station coming daily at a particular time. One day he is late by 25 minutes, and he meets the train 5 k.m. before the station. If his speed is 12 kmph, what is the speed of the train.

Ques:- A person meets a train at a railway station coming daily at a particular time. One day he is late by 25 minutes, and he meets the train 5 k.m. before the station. If his speed is 12 kmph, what is the speed of the train.
1 6904

One Answer on this Question

  1. Ans: 60 kph

    Suppose Person meets the train everyday at 3 PM at Station A.

    His speed is 12kph.

    So normally he reaches 5 km before the meeting point (pt B) at (5/12 hr = 25 min before) 2:35PM.

    But if he is late by 30 min, then he will reach that point (pt B) by 3:05 PM.

    Train is traveling at its normal speed so it covers the distance of 5 Km in 5 min starting from Station A and reaches the meeting point (pt B) at 3:05 PM.

    So speed of the train is 5KM/5min = 60 kph.

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