A queen had 3 rings in a jewel box. She had 3 daughter’s and one day the king said that the queen should give one ring to each of her daughter’s and she should also keep a ring in that jewel box . The queen did what the king said. How is this possible ?

A queen had 3 rings in a jewel box. She had 3 daughter’s and one day the king said that the queen should give one ring to each of her daughter’s and she should also keep a  ring in that jewel box . The queen did what the king said. How is this possible ?

Ques:- A queen had 3 rings in a jewel box. She had 3 daughter’s and one day the king said that the queen should give one ring to each of her daughter’s and she should also keep a ring in that jewel box . The queen did what the king said. How is this possible ?
2 5727

2 Answers on this Question

  1. The queen gave two rings to two daughter’s and she kept the
    third ring in her jewel box and she presented the ring to
    her third daughter along with that jewel box.

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