If you could remove any of the 50 states, which state would it be and why?

If you could remove any of the 50 states, which state would
it be and why?

Ques:- If you could remove any of the 50 states, which state would it be and why?
2 806

2 Answers on this Question

  1. the qs here is talking about 50 states in USA.So if u remove
    one from 50, which one would it be is the qs!!!
    u should answer as either u would remove the state with
    lowest population or state with less natural resources or
    some thing else..

  2. In which country you are talking about.If you are talking
    about India, it’s not possible as we do not have 50 states.
    It’s only we have 28 states and 7 union territories. Then
    where you could remove any of the state in 50 states!!!

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