The average weight of 25 persons sitting in a boat had some value. A new person added to them whose weight was 46 kg only. Due to his arrival, the average weight of all the persons decreased by 5 kg. Find the average weight of first 25 persons?

The average weight of 25 persons sitting in a boat had some value. A new person added to them whose weight was 46 kg only. Due to his arrival, the average weight of all the persons decreased by 5 kg. Find the average weight of first 25 persons?

Ques:- The average weight of 25 persons sitting in a boat had some value. A new person added to them whose weight was 46 kg only. Due to his arrival, the average weight of all the persons decreased by 5 kg. Find the average weight of first 25 persons?
1 5886

One Answer on this Question

  1. let the average of 25 person be x

    total age of a person=average×no.of person

    total age of 25 person=X×25


    when a new person of 46kg come average decrease by 5kg(X-5)

    Total age of 26 person =25x+46

    Average age of 26 person=X-5





    X =176

    hence the av. of 25 person be 176kg

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