there are 27 coins in which 0ne is heavier than rest(all equal weight).how many measurements are needed to isolate that odd one.

there are 27 coins in which 0ne is heavier than rest(all
equal weight).how many measurements are needed to isolate
that odd one.

Ques:- there are 27 coins in which 0ne is heavier than rest(all equal weight).how many measurements are needed to isolate that odd one.
3 4463

3 Answers on this Question

  1. Three Measurements.
    Take three Divisions each
    9 9 9 Odd one goes out in First Measurement
    Again take three divisions
    3 3 3 Odd one goes out in Second Measurement
    Again take three divisions
    1 1 1 Odd one comes into ur hand in Third

    1. If division of 3 is allowed then I might do 5 divisions in one go & do in less iterations. I would assume max 2 division as you have to hands, and compare the weight.

  2. four measurement
    take 13 coins(26 coins) in each hand
    wt is equal then 27 th coin has heavier wt
    take 6 coins(12 coins) in each hand-which has more wt
    wt is equal then 13 th coin has heavier wt
    take 3 coins(6 coins) in each hand-which has more wt
    take 1 coins(2 coins) in each hand-which has more wt
    wt is equal then 3rd coin has heavier wt

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