there was a swimming pool of squre shape and it is having four trees at four ends….how to double the size of swimming pool without cutting the trees…?

there was a swimming pool of squre shape and it is having four trees at four ends….how to double the size of swimming pool without cutting the trees…?

Ques:- there was a swimming pool of squre shape and it is having four trees at four ends….how to double the size of swimming pool without cutting the trees…?
2 3766

2 Answers on this Question

  1. make it hexagon i.e add two triangles of half area that
    of square ;at both the ends.
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    make it deep

  2. Hi frnds I think U got wrong,
    It was said that 4 ends not 4 corners
    Here Ends are sides
    So there is no way of extending a side
    So the answer is incresing the depth

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