X and Y start a business jointly. X invests Rs.16000 for 8 months and Y remains in the business for 4 months. Out of the total profit Y claims 2/7th share. How much money is contributed by Y?

X and Y start a business jointly. X invests Rs.16000 for 8 months and Y remains in the business for 4 months. Out of the total profit Y claims 2/7th share. How much money is contributed by Y?

Ques:- X and Y start a business jointly. X invests Rs.16000 for 8 months and Y remains in the business for 4 months. Out of the total profit Y claims 2/7th share. How much money is contributed by Y?
1 3662

One Answer on this Question

  1. Let\: the\: total\: price \: be\: Rs. X\: then,

    B= 2x/7 & A= \left ( x-2 \right )/7

    So, A:B = 5x/7 : 2x/7 = 5 : 2

    Let \: B’s \: capital\; be\: Rs.Y\: then\: \left ( 16000\ast 8 \right )/4y= 5/2

    => (16000\ast 8\ast 2)/(4\ast 5) = y

    => y = Rs. 12800

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